Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Posting to the Blog

Hi Folks - Apparently to allow you to post - and we want you posting - you need to send me your email address!!!  We can have up to 100 bloggers so email me at and we will get you set up to be one of our bloggers.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Kids in the Field

For me, one of the hardest and most joyful experiences when I am in the field is having my kids with me.  I have been fortunate that two of my children have spent time with me while at work.  I have no doubt that both have gained from the experience as much as I have.

My daughter Anna, who is now 19 and a college sophomore studying marine science never liked the outdoors much before I took her into the field - she was nine when her father and I married and I wasted no time toting her to the field.  Now she has adventures on her own and loves the new life she is embarking on.

My son Jack, now 5 1/2 is a constant whenever possible in the field.  In particular I think it is important for young women contemplating a family and a career to see that is possible.  It is not always easy but it is possible and often quite joyful when the kids opt to be part of the team right along with the students.

I highly recommend the experience.  AC

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Invitation to Tell Your Story

There are so many varied and wonderful stories out there of women who have succeeded in archaeology -- sometimes against all odds. I believe that to grow professional women in Archaeology it is important that we take the moment to listen to these stories. So, this is our 'Story Court' -- a forum where we can tell our stories. A place to share. A place to grow. A place to network. Not all stories will reflect the same choices, but all stories will reflect brave women who have endeavored to pursue passion and interest; women who have engaged, who have promoted the fields of Anthropology & Archaeology and who have made choices that suited their needs and the circumstances of their time.

Join us in sharing your story so that when we come together in January on Amelia Island for the first Women in Archaeology Forum, we arrive with a rich tapestry of stories -- a strong foundation on which to build. Please share your story to help all of us, young and old, understand who we are and help us chart a path of where women can go in this abundant field of study.

Welcome to Women in Archaeology

Please share your story with us as we try to facilitate a network of women who have contributed to the exciting field of archaeology.  The journey has often been long and hard but also very rewarding.  As new generations of women enter our field we have an opportunity to share our stories, thoughts, suggestions, and motivations about work and family in an ever changing field.